Thursday, April 21, 2011

No Ceilings

The school year is just about over and I am ready to be through with dorm life. It has been a great year and dorm life is not all bad but there are just some things about dorm life that I am ready to leave in the past. The thing that bothers me the most about living in a dorm is people making a mess of the place and not cleaning up after themselves. Every weekend Byrnes gets trashed and is a mess for the whole weekend until the cleaning people come in. People will spill there beer or throw up in the hallway or the evlevator and not bother to clean it up so everyone else has to put up with it all weekend. There are also people who like to knock out the ceiling tiles in the elevator rooms and leave the tiles everywhere. There is always trash all over the bathroom and in the stairwells that just makes a mess. I am ready to get out of this dump and move into an apartment.
-John Mark

Random Roommate

My first mistake going into college was choosing to have a random roommate. When I first met my roommate I knew I was in for one long awkward year. We shook hands and he didn’t even look me in the eyes. I felt that he was almost scared of my presence. However, I let it go as I figured he was just shy and would open up eventually. As the year began I initiated conversation with him but very little progress was made. If I tried to start a conversation maybe a three word response would come from him. There was also an occasion when I would come home and we would not talk the whole day. It was like living with a complete stranger. I felt closer to my RA than I did with my roommate, as we literally knew nothing about each other. There would also be times where I wouldn’t see him for like 5 days at a time. I always wondered where he was and if he would ever come back. In the back of my mind I was honestly excited because I thought there was a chance he was changing buildings. We were complete opposites and destined to fail from the start. Many people like choosing random roommates but I am a clear example of this option going horribly wrong.


Dining halls at Clemson are a complete joke. With Clemson being such a prestigious school you would think there dining hall food would at least be tolerable. Coming from up north, all I heard about was how good the food was and to be honest I was very disappointed. There are very little options for food and the majority of the time, the food is gross. I don’t consider myself a picky eater but when I eat at schilletter I feel like I am forcing food down my throat. I was eating a burger there once and I had to catch myself before I threw up on my friend. I mean honestly how hard is it to cook a burger, but yet they find a way to screw it up. The burgers taste rubbery and are very hard to consume. This of course forces me to eat off campus almost every day. I have spent literally hundreds of dollars on fast food over this year. With this, comes yelling from the parents as I am blowing through their money.

Music Maniacs

One thing that really annoys me about living on campus, particularly in Mauldin Hall, is that everyone on my hall feels the need to blare music constantly. At any point in the day there will be around five people blaring music down the halls with their doors open to make matters worse. The worst part about this is, is that all the music is completely different. One person will be playing rap while another is jamming out to some country. I mean I am not a fan of country music and when its competing with rap, it sounds like nails on a chalk board. On top of this we have this one kid who feels the need to play blaring techno 24/7. Hearing this techno makes you feel like you’re at some underground rave with people just fist pumping everywhere. Our RA’s are pretty much nonexistent and so of course this music issue will most likely never stop.