Thursday, April 21, 2011


Dining halls at Clemson are a complete joke. With Clemson being such a prestigious school you would think there dining hall food would at least be tolerable. Coming from up north, all I heard about was how good the food was and to be honest I was very disappointed. There are very little options for food and the majority of the time, the food is gross. I don’t consider myself a picky eater but when I eat at schilletter I feel like I am forcing food down my throat. I was eating a burger there once and I had to catch myself before I threw up on my friend. I mean honestly how hard is it to cook a burger, but yet they find a way to screw it up. The burgers taste rubbery and are very hard to consume. This of course forces me to eat off campus almost every day. I have spent literally hundreds of dollars on fast food over this year. With this, comes yelling from the parents as I am blowing through their money.

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