Thursday, April 21, 2011

Music Maniacs

One thing that really annoys me about living on campus, particularly in Mauldin Hall, is that everyone on my hall feels the need to blare music constantly. At any point in the day there will be around five people blaring music down the halls with their doors open to make matters worse. The worst part about this is, is that all the music is completely different. One person will be playing rap while another is jamming out to some country. I mean I am not a fan of country music and when its competing with rap, it sounds like nails on a chalk board. On top of this we have this one kid who feels the need to play blaring techno 24/7. Hearing this techno makes you feel like you’re at some underground rave with people just fist pumping everywhere. Our RA’s are pretty much nonexistent and so of course this music issue will most likely never stop.

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