Friday, April 22, 2011

Study Room

Study Room....Enter at your own risk.
Living in Byrnes this year has been a blast but its no the best place to try and study. It always sucks when you are trying to study in your dorm room and can't because you are too busy trying to catch the lady bugs that are flying around and landing on you. There is always the study room though... if its not locked most of the time. The study room is always randomly locked for some reason or someone is in there and has it locked because they are in there with a girlfreind "studying". However, there are some times when the study room is open and is a great place to study, until people on the hall realize it is open and decide that would be a great place to hang out and talk while pretending to study. If you are trying to do well in college it is not recomended that you study in Byrnes because you will not get much done if anything.
-John Mark

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