Nearly everyday I come tripping into my room because there is something on the floor right in front of the door. My roommate, while I love her, she refuses to keep her side clean. I have always been a bit neurotic when it comes to being neat. I always have my stuff put away so that I can utilize my space. Before coming to college I had never lived with anyone before. I have always have my own room and I'v found that one of the minuses of living in a dorm is roommates. There is a very unlikely chance that you will be matched with someone that has the same habits as you do. I came to Clemson not knowing any girls so I had to do a random roommate. For the most part, our personalities match but in terms of living style she drives me nuts! There are always clothes everywhere and she can't even find things on her desk. So when she wakes up before me in the morning and can't find her other shoe there is always a ton of throwing things around in attempt to find what she is looking for. This typically wakes me up and I tend to have trouble falling back asleep. One time I came back from class and the door was open, but she wasn't inside. To my surprise she was in her closet, which explains why i couldn't see her, trying to find something. This weird part about this was that she had a flashlight! She needed a flashlight to search her own closet. This is when you know that some organization is necessary. Usually I don't mind if my friends have messy rooms, it's their choice, but when I am sharing a room with someone, especially a dorm room, I would like it at least organized. When she says she is going to clean that usually consists of cramming stuff into every draw she can find. -Brandt
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