Sunday, April 17, 2011

I Hope You Enjoy Burnt Food

I really enjoy cooking, and when I came to college I tried to keep cooking.  I've made a lot of cakes, brownies, and other things.  But the first time I used the oven in the community kitchen, I practically burned down the building.  Basically the oven is so old it does not have a timer.  So you have to try and time it as best as you can.  The first thing I cooked was brownies, the box said to cook them for forty minutes and I did.  Well it turns out the oven cooks everything about ten minutes faster than I expected.  So the brownies were extremely burnt and hard and not edible.  Since then I have learned to take everything out ten minutes earlier than it says.  I really would like to have an oven that does not burn everything, and also it smells.  I'm pretty sure last time I cooked some bread for a dinner we had it smelled like gas, which cannot be a good thing.  This is another reason I hate campus life! 

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